Instagram is a big update for users. The community chats feature can be rolled out soon for them. This will act like a Telegram channel, where users can talk in a group. Right now the company is working on this feature and it can be lived for users in the next few weeks. A group of community chats will be able to include 250 users. Let us know what more information has been revealed about this.
Instagram will also keep an eye on
According to reports, the creators in the community chats will have the option to select the administrator to moderate the conversion. These admins will be able to remove the message violating the rules and they will also have the option to get the members out of the group. It is also being told that Instagram will monitor community chats under its guidelines. However, it has not yet been informed about what action will be taken against the members who violate the rules.
Option to approve the member near the creator
In community chats, the creators will also have the option to lock the group. After the group is locked, only the members will be able to add it, which the creators will approve of it. Like the broadcast channel, creators will be able to show their community chats on their profile page and channel as well.
How will community chats be different from broadcast channel?
Currently, broadcast channel system is available on Instagram as a community based feature. It was specially brought to creators and influencers. In this, they post text, photos and video updates. To increase engagement, it is also available to poll and question update. Creators can also invite another creator in their channel as a guest. Let us know that this feature is available only for professional account and the member has no option to share his post.
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